‘Humanity’ Is the Great Orphan

“For it is ‘Humanity’ which is the great Orphan, the only disinherited one upon this earth, my friend. And it is the duty of every man who is capable of an unselfish impulse to do something, however little, for its welfare.

Poor, poor humanity! It reminds me of the old fable of the war between the Body and its members; here too, each limb of this huge “Orphan” — fatherless and motherless — selfishly cares but for itself. The body uncared for suffers eternally, whether the limbs are at war or at rest.

Its suffering and agony never cease.  . . . And who can blame it — as your materialistic philosophers do — if, in this everlasting isolation and neglect it has evolved gods unto whom “it ever cries for help, but is not heard!” Thus —

Since there is hope for man only in man

I would not let one cry whom I could save! . . .”

(K.H. In T. Baker, editor. The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett, L. 8, p. 32; emphasis added)