“For it is ‘Humanity’ which is the great Orphan, the only disinherited one upon this earth, my friend. And it is the duty of every man who is capable of an unselfish impulse to do something, however little, for its welfare. Poor, poor humanity! It reminds me of the old fable of the war between… Read More
Categoria: Universal Brotherhood: its Importance
Between Degrading Superstition and Still More Degrading Brutal Materialism
“Those ‘intellectual classes,’ reacting upon the ignorant masses which they attract and which look up to them as noble and fit examples to follow, degrade and morally ruin those they ought to protect and guide. Between degrading superstition and still more degrading brutal materialism the white dove of truth has hardly room where to rest… Read More
Synthesis of Humanitarianism
Although we have a website dedicated to the social philosophy of Humanitarianism, we have chosen here a work and a part of a chapter of another work as a synthesis of Humanitarianism. Humanitarianism is based in the Perennial Philosophy and in the Law of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity. Besides this synthetic presentation, we have… Read More
Synthesis of the Democracy of the Future
Although we have a website dedicated to the Democracy of the Future, we have chosen here a work and a part of a chapter of another work as a synthesis of the Democracy of the Future. Humanitarianism is a social-political philosophy based in the Perennial Philosophy and in the Law of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity.… Read More
Synthesis of the “New” Gospel of Interpretation
Although we now have a site dedicated to the “New” Gospel of Interpretation, we have chosen here a few works as a synthetic presentation of the Gospel of Interpretation, which is the denomination of the main message given to the world by Dr. Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland, her great work companion. These works are… Read More
Synthesis of Universal Brotherhood As a Law and Its Importance
Although we now have a website dedicated to present the Universal Brotherhood As a Law, we have chosen here some chapters of the book Theosophy and Universal Brotherhood as a synthesis of this subject of the greatest importance to the well being of humanity, which is the fact that the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity is… Read More
Synthesis of the Perennial (or Esoteric) Philosophy
Even though we have a website specifically dedicated to Perennial (or Esoteric) Philosophy, and even though we know that today there are many texts that can be considered as introductions to Perennial (or Esoteric) Philosophy, we chose here, as a synthetic introduction to this very important philosophy, the text Perennial Philosophy: General Aspects and Its… Read More
Synthesis of the Buddhist Christianity
Although we have a site dedicated to the presentation of the Buddhist Christianity, we have chosen here a few works as a synthetic presentation of the Buddhist Christianity, which is one of the main aspects of the “New” Gospel of interpretation, which is the name of the religious message given to the world by Dr.… Read More
We Wrestle Not Against Flesh and Blood
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Paul, Apostle. Ephesians 6:12. King James Version. Our note: The expression “principalities and powers” is used in different contexts in the New Testament. Now referring to kings, rulers… Read More
The Nature of Wisdom
“(7:22) There is in her a spirit that is intelligent, holy, unique, manifold, subtle, mobile, clear, unpolluted, distinct, invulnerable, loving the good, keen, irresistible, (23) beneficent, humane, steadfast, sure, free from anxiety, all-powerful, overseeing all, and penetrating through all spirits that are intelligent, pure, and altogether subtle. (24) For wisdom is more mobile than any… Read More