“In one of the “Notebooks” of the great English Romantic poet William Blake, there’s a beautiful stanza which ultimately ended as the epigraph of “To the Christians” plate of his prophetic poem “Jerusalem”: I give you the end of a golden string; Only wind it into a ball, It will lead you in at… Read More
Resultados da pesquisa por: Bede Griffiths
BACON, Francis. Novum Organum (or, True Directions for the Interpretation of Nature). 1620. In Essays Civil and Moral by Francis Bacon. London, Ward Lock & Co Limited, 1910. 493 pp. Link to free online copy. BACON, Francis. – Of the Proficience and Advancement of Learning, Divine and Humane. London, CASSELL & COMPANY, 1893. Link to free online copy.… Read More
Posts by Author
ADEPT (One of the Mahatmas). => Dominant “Gods” in the Elite of Our Time: Sinister Powers of Might, Greed and Luck => Exoteric Creeds Generate Oppression. It Is Esoteric Philosophy Alone that Can Bring Mediate State and Lead to the Alleviation of Suffering => Great Mission of True Altruism (Theosophy): Working Out of Clear Ethic… Read More
Why the “Anna Kingsford Site” Was Created? (Longer Version)
Why the “Anna Kingsford Site” Was Created? (Longer Version) Arnaldo Sisson Filho (MSc) Arnaldo Sisson Filho is Economist and has a Master degree in Political Science (UFRGS). He is the creator of the “Anna Kingsford Site”, where are all the works by Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland. Sisson translated and revised the translation into Portuguese… Read More
Why the “Anna Kingsford Site” Was Created? (Abridged Version).
Arnaldo Sisson Filho (MSc) Arnaldo Sisson Filho is Economist and has a Master degree in Political Science (UFRGS). He is the creator of the “Anna Kingsford Site”, where are all the works by Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland. Sisson translated and revised the translation into Portuguese of some of those works. Author of Theosophy and… Read More
Adept (one of the Mahatmas) Arnold, Matthew Bacon, Francis Baker, A. Trevor Besant, Annie W. Blake, William Blavatsky, Helena P. Bobbio, Norberto, et allie. Bouthoul, G. Burnier, Radha. Buck, J. D. Buddha, Gautama Capra, Fritjof Carton, Paul Churchill, Winston Codd, Clara Collins, Mabel Confucius Converse, Philip E. Da Vinci, Leonard Dom Bosco (Saint Giovanni Bosco) Duverger,… Read More