Exoteric Creeds Generate Oppression. It Is Esoteric Philosophy Alone that Can Bring Mediate State and Lead to the Alleviation of Suffering

“Under the dominion and sway of exoteric creeds, the grotesque and tortured shadows of Theosophical realities, there must ever be the same oppression of the weak and the poor and the same typhonic struggle of the wealthy and the might among themselves … It is esoteric philosophy alone, the spiritual and psychic blending of man with Nature, that, by revealing fundamental truths, can bring that much disered mediate state between the two extremes of human Egotism and divine Altruism, and finally lead to the alleviation of human suffering.” (Adept. In C. Jinarajadasa, editor. Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, 2nd Series, n. 82, p. 157; emphasis added)