“As it was no part of the design of the Gospels to represent the whole course of the Man Regenerate, so neither was it a part of that design to provide, in respect of religious life and doctrine, a system whole and complete independently of any which had preceded it. Having a special relation to… Read More
Resultados da pesquisa por: Buddha
Moses and Elias Correspond to Buddha and Pythagoras: the Mind and the Body. Jesus: the Heart-Spirit. Functions Exercized by Pythagoras, Buddha and Jesus: Works, Understanding and Love, or, Body, Mind and Heart
“As it was no part of the design of the Gospels to represent the whole course of the Man Regenerate, so neither was it a part of that design to provide, in respect of religious life and doctrine, a system whole and complete independently of any which had preceded it. Having a special relation to… Read More
Buddha Gautama (including Pythagoras) and Christ Are Necessary to One Another: Together They Form a System Whole and Complete
“As it was no part of the design of the Gospels to represent the whole course of the Man Regenerate, so neither was it a part of that design to provide, in respect of religious life and doctrine, a system whole and complete independently of any which had preceded it. (…) Christianity, in its original… Read More
Complete Spiritual Freedom Is Also Called God, Buddha, Enlightenment, or Theosophy
“For as everyone knows, total emancipation from authority of the one all-pervading power or law (Note: the law of Karma) called God by the priests – Buddha, Divine Wisdom and enlightenment or Theosophy, by the philosophers of all ages (…).” (Mahachoan. In C. Jinarajadasa, editor. Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, 1st Series, letter n.… Read More
Buddha’s Doctrine: Complete Regeneration of Mind and Indispensable Precursor of the Doctrine of Christ
“For the fact is that the doctrine of the Buddha, with its Four Great Truths and its Noble Eightfold Path, its boundless compassion towards all sentient life, its reasonable ethical teaching of development through self-conquest and self-culture, its simple yet profound analysis of suffering and sorrow with the method of escape therefrom (…), its entire… Read More
(It Is) Necessary a Greater, Wiser, and More Benevolent Intermingling of the High and Low of Society: Without the Soothing Influence of a Brotherhood, and the Practical Application of the Buddha’s Esoteric Doctrines the World Will Not Avoid Hitherto Unheard-of Disasters, Cruelty and Enormities
“To achieve the proposed object, a greater, wiser, and specially a more benevolent intermingling of the high and low, of the Alpha and the Omega of society, was determined upon. The white race must be the first to stretch out the hand of fellowship to the dark nations, to call the poor and despised “nigger”… Read More
Buddha, Divine Wisdom and Illumination or Theosophy
“For as everyone knows, total emancipation from authority of the one all-pervading power or law [N.A.: the law of Karma] called God by the priests — Buddha, Divine Wisdom and Enlightenment or Theosophy, by the philosophers of all ages (…).” (Mahachohan. In C. Jinarajadasa, editor. letter with His visions. Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom,… Read More
Buddha and Christ Faiths United Will Bring World’s Coming Redemption
“Of the spiritual union in the one faith of Buddha and Christ, will be born the world’s coming redemption.” (Kingsford, Anna e Maitland, Edward. The Perfect Way, p. 252; emphasis added)
Synthesis of Humanitarianism
Although we have a website dedicated to the social philosophy of Humanitarianism, we have chosen here a work and a part of a chapter of another work as a synthesis of Humanitarianism. Humanitarianism is based in the Perennial Philosophy and in the Law of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity. Besides this synthetic presentation, we have… Read More
Synthesis of the Democracy of the Future
Although we have a website dedicated to the Democracy of the Future, we have chosen here a work and a part of a chapter of another work as a synthesis of the Democracy of the Future. Humanitarianism is a social-political philosophy based in the Perennial Philosophy and in the Law of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity.… Read More