Although we have a site dedicated to the presentation of the Buddhist Christianity, we have chosen here a few works as a synthetic presentation of the Buddhist Christianity, which is one of the main aspects of the “New” Gospel of interpretation, which is the name of the religious message given to the world by Dr.… Read More
Resultados da pesquisa por: William Johnston
Synthesis of the Buddhist Christianity
Although we have a site dedicated to the presentation of the Buddhist Christianity, we have chosen here a few works as a synthetic presentation of the Buddhist Christianity, which is one of the main aspects of the “New” Gospel of interpretation, which is the name of the religious message given to the world by Dr.… Read More
My Principal Preoccupation at Present Is with Learning from Buddhism
“As for myself, my principal preoccupation at present is with learning from Buddhism. I can’t help feeling that Western Christianity (like Western everything else) is badly in need of a blood transfusion. Somehow or other we have become effete (…) and we need new perspectives. Just as a whole new era opened up for Christianity… Read More
Synthesis of the Buddhist Christianity
Although we have a site dedicated to the presentation of the Buddhist Christianity, we have chosen here a few works as a synthetic presentation of the Buddhist Christianity, which is one of the main aspects of the “New” Gospel of interpretation, which is the name of the religious message given to the world by Dr.… Read More
Toynbee: a Thousand Years from Now, Attention to What Happened When Christianity and Buddhism Began to Unite
“Some years ago, Arnold Toynbee declared that when the historian of a thousand years from now comes to write the history of our time, he will be preoccupied not with the Vietnan war, not with racial strife, but with what happened when for the first time Christianity and Buddhism began to penetrate one another deeply.… Read More
BACON, Francis. Novum Organum (or, True Directions for the Interpretation of Nature). 1620. In Essays Civil and Moral by Francis Bacon. London, Ward Lock & Co Limited, 1910. 493 pp. Link to free online copy. BACON, Francis. – Of the Proficience and Advancement of Learning, Divine and Humane. London, CASSELL & COMPANY, 1893. Link to free online copy.… Read More
Posts by Author
ADEPT (One of the Mahatmas). => Dominant “Gods” in the Elite of Our Time: Sinister Powers of Might, Greed and Luck => Exoteric Creeds Generate Oppression. It Is Esoteric Philosophy Alone that Can Bring Mediate State and Lead to the Alleviation of Suffering => Great Mission of True Altruism (Theosophy): Working Out of Clear Ethic… Read More
Adept (one of the Mahatmas) Arnold, Matthew Bacon, Francis Baker, A. Trevor Besant, Annie W. Blake, William Blavatsky, Helena P. Bobbio, Norberto, et allie. Bouthoul, G. Burnier, Radha. Buck, J. D. Buddha, Gautama Capra, Fritjof Carton, Paul Churchill, Winston Codd, Clara Collins, Mabel Confucius Converse, Philip E. Da Vinci, Leonard Dom Bosco (Saint Giovanni Bosco) Duverger,… Read More