There Is a Road Steep and Thorny: It Leads to the Heart of the Universe

“There is a road, steep and thorny, beset with perils of every kind, but yet a road, and it leads to the very heart of the Universe: I can tell you how to find those who will show you the secret gateway that opens inward only, and closes fast behind the neophyte for evermore. There… Read More

We Wrestle Not Against Flesh and Blood

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Paul, Apostle. Ephesians 6:12. King James Version.  Our note: The expression “principalities and powers” ​​is used in different contexts in the New Testament. Now referring to kings, rulers… Read More

The Nature of Wisdom

“(7:22) There is in her a spirit that is intelligent, holy, unique, manifold, subtle, mobile, clear, unpolluted, distinct, invulnerable, loving the good, keen, irresistible, (23) beneficent, humane, steadfast, sure, free from anxiety, all-powerful, overseeing all, and penetrating through all spirits that are intelligent, pure, and altogether subtle. (24) For wisdom is more mobile than any… Read More

The Sphinx Helena Blavatsky

The Sphinx Helena Blavatsky Marina Cesar Sisson “It is the knowledge and understanding of these controversial aspects and events in Madame Blavatsky’s life that can allow us to see her as the human being she was, and not as a myth from which all defects and aspects that could scandalize us are suppressed. At the… Read More

My Brother’s Keeper

My Brother’s Keeper “In an ancient land like India, where there are today so many religions, there is no need to add any teaching that can be termed new. (…) Yet if you examine all these teachings, you will note that in the main they concentrate on the life of the individual, and not particularly… Read More

Dr. Taimni on the Task of Renouncing the Lower Desires

“Now, here is a positive ideal and a prospect of life which will not discourage the candidate but, on the contrary, infuse the greatest enthusiasm and inspiration in his life provided he is ready and really earnest. There is nothing which touches so effectively the innermost chord of our being and brings out a sympathetic… Read More

The Democracy of the Future and the Dream-Vision of Dom Bosco

The Democracy of the Future and the Dream-Vision of Dom Bosco 1. Introduction In the book What Is Wrong Woth Politics? Bases for a True Democracy, we seek to demonstrate, in short, that what we have today in Brazil and in the world in general are not legitimate forms of democracy, but forms of plutodemagogicracies.… Read More

The Dangers of New Age Narcissism (*)

THE DANGERS OF NEW AGE NARCISSISM (*) Kate Thomas I am rather tired of observing nominally spiritual communities. For over thirty years, I have noticed repeatedly that such organisations do not live up to their professed ideals. However, the situation is far worse now than it was in the 1950’s, and it was very far… Read More

The Relation Between Religion and Social Organization

The Relation Between Religion and Social Organization [Second part of the sixth chapter of the book A Roda e a Cruz: Uma Introdução ao Cristianismo Budista (The Wheel and the Cross: An Introduction to Buddhist Christianity). Except for this chapter, the complete work is still in the Portuguese language.] VIVIANE: What is the link between… Read More

Anna Kingsford, Buddhist Christianity and Vegetarianism

(Arnaldo Sisson Filho interviewed by journalist Viviane Pereira, May/2009) Presentation by Viviane Pereira: Raised in a Catholic family, Arnaldo Sisson Filho began his search for answers to the questions that guide our existence early on. He studied in Roman Catholic schools and, in his late teens, questioning everything he had learned so far, he became… Read More