Although we now have a website dedicated to present the Universal Brotherhood As a Law, we have chosen here some chapters of the book Theosophy and Universal Brotherhood as a synthesis of this subject of the greatest importance to the well being of humanity, which is the fact that the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity is… Read More
Resultados da pesquisa por: Buck
Synthesis of the Buddhist Christianity
Although we have a site dedicated to the presentation of the Buddhist Christianity, we have chosen here a few works as a synthetic presentation of the Buddhist Christianity, which is one of the main aspects of the “New” Gospel of interpretation, which is the name of the religious message given to the world by Dr.… Read More
Synthesis of Universal Brotherhood As a Law and Its Importance
Although we now have a website dedicated to present the Universal Brotherhood As a Law, we have chosen here some chapters of the book Theosophy and Universal Brotherhood as a synthesis of this subject of the greatest importance to the well being of humanity, which is the fact that the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity is… Read More
Synthesis of the Buddhist Christianity
Although we have a site dedicated to the presentation of the Buddhist Christianity, we have chosen here a few works as a synthetic presentation of the Buddhist Christianity, which is one of the main aspects of the “New” Gospel of interpretation, which is the name of the religious message given to the world by Dr.… Read More
Adept (one of the Mahatmas) Arnold, Matthew Bacon, Francis Baker, A. Trevor Besant, Annie W. Blake, William Blavatsky, Helena P. Bobbio, Norberto, et allie. Bouthoul, G. Burnier, Radha. Buck, J. D. Buddha, Gautama Capra, Fritjof Carton, Paul Churchill, Winston Codd, Clara Collins, Mabel Confucius Converse, Philip E. Da Vinci, Leonard Dom Bosco (Saint Giovanni Bosco) Duverger,… Read More
Fundamental Quotes
Ideas Rule the World “Hear (…) the old, old axiom that ‘Ideas rule the world;’ and as men’s minds receive new ideas, laying aside the old and effete the world (will) advance; mighty revolutions (will) spring from them; institutions (aye, and even creeds and powers, they may add) — WILL crumble before their onward march crushed by… Read More
Theosophy and Universal Brotherhood (7): The Perennial Philosophy And The Universal Brotherhood – The Diversity Of The Manifested Capacities
VII – THE PERENNIAL PHILOSOPHY AND THE UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD: The Diversity of the Manifested Capacities (Chapter VII of the work “Theosophy and Universal Brotherhood”) 59 – “But this Brotherhood of all souls is like the relation of brotherhood within a family; brothers are not all of the same age, though they are of the same… Read More
Theosophy and Universal Brotherhood (5): Theosophy And The Universal Brotherhood
V – THEOSOPHY AND THE UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD (Chapter V of the work “Theosophy and Universal Brotherhood”) 37 – “Our fundamental object is Universal Brotherhood (…) a Brotherhood of all faiths and denominations, composed by Theists and Atheists, Christians and Gentiles throughout the world, might without anyone surrendering his particular opinion be united into one strong… Read More
Synthesis of the Universal Brotherhood As a Law and Its Importance
Although we now have a website dedicated to present the Universal Brotherhood As a Law, we have chosen here some chapters of the book Theosophy and Universal Brotherhood as a synthesis of this subject of the greatest importance to the well being of humanity, which is the fact that the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity is… Read More
Synthesis of the Buddhist Christianity
Although we have a site dedicated to the presentation of the Buddhist Christianity, we have chosen here a few works as a synthetic presentation of the Buddhist Christianity, which is one of the main aspects of the “New” Gospel of interpretation, which is the name of the religious message given to the world by Dr.… Read More