My Brother’s Keeper “In an ancient land like India, where there are today so many religions, there is no need to add any teaching that can be termed new. (…) Yet if you examine all these teachings, you will note that in the main they concentrate on the life of the individual, and not particularly… Read More
Categoria: Reincarnation and Karma: their Importance
The Democracy of the Future and the Dream-Vision of Dom Bosco
The Democracy of the Future and the Dream-Vision of Dom Bosco Arnaldo Sisson Filho Wheel and Cross Collection 2024 The Democracy of the Future is a fair and competent political system, centered on a new model for electing leaders, which reconciles freedom, equal opportunity in elections, harmony between responsibilities and capabilities, and the… Read More
The Dangers of New Age Narcissism (*)
THE DANGERS OF NEW AGE NARCISSISM (*) Kate Thomas I am rather tired of observing nominally spiritual communities. For over thirty years, I have noticed repeatedly that such organisations do not live up to their professed ideals. However, the situation is far worse now than it was in the 1950’s, and it was very far… Read More
The Relation Between Religion and Social Organization
The Relation Between Religion and Social Organization [Second part of the sixth chapter of the book A Roda e a Cruz: Uma Introdução ao Cristianismo Budista (The Wheel and the Cross: An Introduction to Buddhist Christianity). Except for this chapter, the complete work is still in the Portuguese language.] VIVIANE: What is the link between… Read More
Anna Kingsford, Buddhist Christianity and Vegetarianism
(Arnaldo Sisson Filho interviewed by journalist Viviane Pereira, May/2009) Presentation by Viviane Pereira: Raised in a Catholic family, Arnaldo Sisson Filho began his search for answers to the questions that guide our existence early on. He studied in Roman Catholic schools and, in his late teens, questioning everything he had learned so far, he became… Read More
Without Restoring a True Religious, Philosophical and Scientific Base No Fair and Competent Social Institutions Will Emerge
“Thus, we need to improve, to rescue the true philosophical-religious basis, because this religious basis that prevails today is greatly corrupted by idolatry and by the materialism of Ecclesiasticism, whether religious properly or so-called scientific. The current state of religions does not allow for the advent of just institutions and consequent consistent solutions; they are… Read More
How to Fairly and Competently Judge Intelligence and Righteousness of Character?
“Returning to a religious image, we can read in the Book of Job that: “In the elderly is wisdom, and in the breadth of days the understanding”. In other words, wisdom is with the “older ones” – with those who have greater “age”, and thus greater capacity of the Soul. (Job, 12:12) Of course, it… Read More
Unity and Diversity in Jacob’s Dream
“This difficulty exists because we don’t see humanity as it really is. We do not perceive the human family with its different levels of maturity of Souls, as in Jacob’s ladder dream allegory. We do not perceive, in short, neither the diversity of capacities nor the underlying Divine Unity. And without that there are no… Read More
Buddhist Christianity Is the Ancient Religion that the Gospel of Interpretation Came to Rescue
Buddhist Christianity, in particular, and the Gospel of Interpretation in general, are believed to be the fulfillment, at least to some extent, of the ancient prophecy of withered bones regaining flesh, nerve, blood, and life. The Dry Bones Live “The hand of the Lord came upon me and brought me out in the Spirit… Read More
Christ Jesus Within Us; “Blood” of God; Vicarious Salvation; Importance of God’s Image
“But it is the Christ Jesus, or man reborn of a pure soul and spirit, as Jesus Himself declared that all must be born – even precisely as He is dramatically described as having been born – within ourselves, to whom we look for salvation. And the means are His cross of self-sacrifice, renunciation, and… Read More